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Week 1


  • Forking the repos and setting up everything locally
  • Migrating the frontend to current yaus monorepo
  • Resolvng dependencies and fixing bugs
  • Creating a draft PR having a working yaus frontend intergated with the monorepo
  • Identifying the code quality issues and planning the next steps

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  • In my case the proposed project initially didn't have the frontend codebase. So I had to migrate the frontend codebase from the old repo to the new one. This was a good learning experience as I got to know about the various ways to migrate a codebase from one repo to another. I also learnt about the various ways to handle the dependencies and how to resolve the conflicts.
  • Meanwhile I also figured it out that there is a need to refactor the frontend codebase to make it more maintainable and scalable. So I am planning to refactor the frontend codebase in the next week.